Hack your Symbian 9.1 (N73+other S60 3rd) ! Install any unsigned App Software

Warning : Please Install on only supported devices. Identify your Device type and select device type (pre-FP1 or FP1) during installation
Nokia Symbian OS 9.1 or S60 3rd Edition is much secured and you can not install any 3rd party unsigned application. But with this Simple hacking tool you can be free from this bothering. Hack your S60 3rd and Install any unsigned application. Its easy and there is an instruction file. Just read the "how to install.txt" and its easy like abc.
Here is detail instruction, as some people facing problem installing it.
Change phone date to 15-05-2007
This program will install:
*Note: If you have any of these programs installed on your mobile there is no problem continuing the installation, however, this ones have been tested, none others, so if you have any trouble during the procedure uninstall the ones you have and re-install "Hack FP1 & PreFP1.SiS"
After installing please follow this procedure:
1.-Run X-plore and press "0", tick the 4 boxes (dont un-tick if ticked already)
2.-Without closing X-plore switch to the menu and run hellocarbide
3.-Inside hellocarbide press options and chose Menu1 and answer "yes".
4.-Go back to X-plore and extract installserver.exe and CProfDriver_SISX.ldd from your c:\hack.rar into c:\sys\bin
5.-Restart your phone.
6.-Install whatever you want on your phone, even if it is unsigned
Run capsOff if you wish to see private folders using X-plore and capsOn to hide them again
Note: I advice you to always hide private folders after you have completed whatever you wanted to do inside them...
Devices list:
Pre-FP1 devices:
Nokia N77
Nokia E61i
Nokia E65
Nokia N93i
Nokia N91 8GB
Nokia E62
Nokia E50
Nokia 5500
Nokia N93
Nokia N73
Nokia N80
Nokia N71
Nokia N92
Nokia E70
Nokia E60
Nokia E61
Nokia 3250
FP1 devices:
Nokia 6124 classic
Nokia N82
Nokia N95-3 NAM
Nokia E51
Nokia N95 8GB
Nokia N81
Nokia N81 8GB
Nokia 6121 classic
Nokia 6120 classic
Nokia 5700 XpressMusic
Nokia 6110 Navigator
Nokia E90 Communicator
Nokia N76
Nokia 6290
Nokia N95
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